miércoles, 18 de junio de 2014

History of Islam

History of Islam: Identical Doctrines and Deeds of Satan’s Roman Jesuit Papacy

 By Eric Jon Phelps

Logo of the Freemasonic Shriners, Egyptian Worshippers of Allah

Islam is a creation of the “Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth”—the Roman Papacy centered in the City that rules all the nations of the earth, the City that sits on the Seven Hills (Revelation 17:9, 18).

Shortly after the Roman Papal Caesar was given his Universal Spiritual Power by the wicked Emperor Phocas of Constantinople in AD 606 the religion of Islam was created.  And why?  To blind the Arab peoples to the blessed gospel of the risen Lord Jesus Christ while using these “wild men” to kill the foremost enemies of the pope.  Those targeted enemies were the true, born-again, Bible-believing Christians of the Eastern Roman Empire and the racial Jews of Arabia and North Africa yet to inherit the promises given to the fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob—not Abraham, Ishmael and Esau!.

Today, the Jesuit Papacy could not be happier with her Satanically blinded and hatefully bigoted followers of the false prophet Muhammad who denied that Jesus of Nazareth was the Son of God!  During the pope’s total victory of the Twentieth Century, Islam was used to murder millions of Christian Orthodox Russians, Christian Orthodox Armenians, Christian Orthodox Serbs, Christian Orthodox Assyrians, racial and religious Jews, Protestant Lutherans, Baptist and Protestant missionaries and their converts in Muslim lands, as well as Muslims differing in their own Muslim faiths.  In fact, the biggest killer of the racial Arabic peoples has been—not Roman Catholicism but—Islam!  Yes, the Jesuit Papacy knows that the only two racial peoples in the world with racial promises yet to be fulfilled by God (Isaiah 19:25) are the Hebrew/Jewish/Israelites and—the Arabs!  Thus, we are not surprised at the cry of Jesuit henchman Francis Xavier when he declared: 

“Put me some place where there are no Jews or Moslems.” 

Barrett, E. Boyd, Rome Stoops to Conquer, (New York: Julian Messner, Inc., 1935) p. 180.

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