viernes, 31 de julio de 2015



“El Dios del Antiguo Testamento es muy diferente al Dios en que creían la mayoría de los que practicaban el cristianismo”, dijo: “Su justicia es, por normas modernas, indignante…es parcial, quejumbroso, vengativo y celoso de sus prerrogativas”. Charles Templeton

Esta objeción al cristianismo le fue presentada al Dr. Norman Geisler de la siguiente manera por Strobel, en 1794, Thomas Paine escribió lo siguiente en La Edad de la Razón:

“Cuando leemos las historias obscenas, el libertinaje voluptuoso, las crueles y torturadoras ejecuciones, la implacable venganza con lo que más de la mitad de la Biblia está llena, sería más lógico que lo llamáramos el trabajo del demonio, que la Palabra de Dios.”

Lee le preguntó al Dr. Norman Geisler, ¿cómo le respondería a Paine? A lo cual Geisler contestó: “es digno de lástima por no tener una Biblia. Cuando escribió la primera parte de “La Edad de la Razón”, no tenía una. Aunque, aparte de eso, creo que confunde dos cosas: lo que la Biblia registró y lo que la Biblia aprueba”. Sin duda, ésta es una de las objeciones más difíciles, ya que, los apologistas tienden a dar todo tipo de interpretaciones racionales, escapatorias y lo que llamaría, interpretaciones sociales, aquellas en las cuales, se busca presentar una explicación no ofensiva. En resumen, Geisler argumenta que todo lo que Dios creó fue bueno.

Arguye, que lo que cambió las cosas fue la caída del hombre. Presenta su argumento sobre la base de Romanos capítulo 8, con el cual hace un intento de evidenciar el hecho de que la caída afectó a toda la creación; la vida de las plantas, los seres humanos, los animales, en fin todo. Además, señala que hubo cambios genéticos fundamentales, mostrando por ejemplo, cómo el tiempo de vida disminuyó con rapidez después de la caída. Geisler sostiene que el plan de Dios no se creó para que fuera de este modo y que esto únicamente se debió al pecado, pero que al final, Dios lo remediará.

Considero que los argumentos presentados por Geisler no son convincentes y no sé hasta qué punto son aceptables. Un Dios santo, justo y soberano, que demande la muerte de un pecador es algo racionalmente considerable, a pesar de que no lo entendamos o no nos guste la idea. Un Dios soberano que elige a unos sobre otros, no es insostenible, sino altamente racional. La realidad es que todo pecado es de muerte y el hecho de que Dios decida posponer su juicio o dar paso al arrepentimiento, no cambia en nada lo que merecemos.

El problema del pecado no es discutido en detalle por Geisler, desde el aspecto antropológico y sobre todo de la caída y de los efectos en el ser humano, a fin de presentar una mejor explicación sobre las acciones de Dios; aunque la verdad es que Dios no necesita ser defendido. Por ejemplo, veamos cómo es presentado el problema del pecado en la Confesión Bautista de Fe de 1689, bajo el tema, “De la caída del hombre, del pecado y su castigo”.

1. A pesar de que Dios creó al hombre recto y perfecto, y le dio una ley justa, que hubiera sido para vida si la hubiera guardado, y amenazó con la muerte su transgresión, el hombre no la honró por mucho tiempo, (1)  usando Satanás la sutileza de la serpiente para subyugar a Eva y luego a través de ella seduciendo a Adán, quien sin ninguna coacción, deliberadamente transgredió la ley bajo la cual habían sido creados y también el mandato que les había sido dado, al comer del fruto prohibido, (2)  lo cual agradó a Dios permitir, conforme a su sabio y santo consejo, habiéndolo ordenado con el propósito de que fuera para su propia gloria. (3)
1.  Ec. 7:29; Ro. 5:12a, 14,15; Gn. 2:17; 4:25-5:3.
2.  Gn. 3:1-7; 2 Co. 11:3; 1 Ti. 2:14.
3.  Ro. 11:32-34; 2 S. 24:1; 1 Cr. 21:1; 1 R. 22:22,23; 2 S. 16:10; Hch. 2:23; 4:27,28.

2. Por este pecado, nuestros primeros padres cayeron de su justicia y rectitud original y de su comunión con Dios, y nosotros en ellos, por lo que la muerte sobrevino a todos; (1) viniendo a estar todos los hombres muertos en pecado, y totalmente corrompidos en todas las facultades y partes del alma y del cuerpo. (2)
1.  Gn. 3:22-24; Ro. 5:12ss.; 1Co. 15:20-22; Sal. 51:4,5; 58:3; Ef. 2:1-3; Gn. 8:21; Pr. 22:15.
2.  Gn. 2:17; Ef. 2:1; Tit. 1:15; Gn. 6:5; Jer. 17:9; Ro. 3:10-18; 1:21; Ef. 4:17-19; Jn. 5:40; Ro. 8:7.

3. Siendo ellos la raíz de la raza humana, y estando por designio de Dios en lugar de toda la humanidad, la culpa del pecado fue imputada y la naturaleza corrompida transmitida a toda la posteridad que descendió de ellos mediante generación ordinaria, siendo ahora concebidos en pecado, y por naturaleza hijos de ira, siervos del pecado, sujetos a la muerte y a todas las demás desgracias espirituales, temporales y eternas, a no ser que el Señor Jesús los libere. (1)
1. Ro. 5:12ss.; 1 Co. 15:20-22; Sal. 51:4,5; 58:3; Ef. 2:1-3; Gn. 8:21; Pr. 22:15; Job 14:4; 15:14.

4. De esta corrupción original, por la cual estamos completamente indispuestos, incapacitados y opuestos a todo bien y enteramente inclinados a todo mal, (1) proceden en sí todas las transgresiones. (2)
1.  Mt. 7:17,18; 12:33-35; Lc. 6:43-45; Jn. 3:3,5; 6:37,39,40,44,45,65; Ro. 3:10-12; 5:6; 7:18; 8:7,8; 1 Co. 2:14.
2.  Mt. 7:17-20; 12:33-35; 15:18-20.

5. La corrupción de la naturaleza permanece durante esta vida en los que son regenerados; (1) y, aunque aquella sea perdonada y mortificada por medio de Cristo, ella misma y sus primeros impulsos son verdadera y propiamente pecado. (2)
1.  1 Jn. 1:8-10; 1 R. 8:46; Sal. 130:3; 143:2; Pr. 20:9; Ec. 7:20; Ro. 7:14-25; Stg. 3:2.
2.  Sal. 51:4,5; Pr. 22:15; Ef. 2:3; Ro. 7:5,7,8,17,18,25; 8:3-13; Gá. 5:17-24; Pr. 15:26; 21:4; Gn. 8:21; Mt. 5:27,28.

Estoy convencido de que parte del problema consiste en que hoy predicamos y enseñamos una imagen de un dios amansado y falto de soberanía, pero esa es la imagen que hemos querido construir o la que estamos dispuestos a aceptar de él. El hecho de que un Dios santo y justo castigue el pecado es totalmente lógico y razonable aunque no nos guste, como mencionara previamente. Lo que es sorprendente es que pudiendo juzgar a todos los hombres, haya decidido perdonar a todos los que por medio de su gracia se acercarían en arrepentimiento y fe para ser salvos por medio de Jesucristo. La Biblia no enseña que existan personas inocentes (Ro. 1:18-20), sino que todos pecamos y que por esa razón estamos destituidos de la gloria de Dios (Ro. 3:23). Por cuanto el problema del hombre está en su naturaleza, el acto de pecar es únicamente su respuesta. De ahí, que ningún hombre, según la Biblia, después de la caída, nazca sin pecado original. Aunque todavía no sea consciente de ello en sus primeros años de vida, el pecado yace en él y es un impedimento hacia la salvación, la cual solo podrá ser provista mediante la gracia de Dios, pero nunca de la inocencia del mismo.


por: Gilberto Rufat

Arraigados y cimentados en el amor de Cristo

arraigados y cimentados en el amor de Cristo

Pasaje a considerar:

"para que os dé, conforme a las riquezas de su gloria, el ser fortalecidos con poder en el hombre interior por su Espíritu; para que habite Cristo por la fe en vuestros corazones, a fin de que, arraigados y cimentados en amor." (Efesios 3:16-17)


¿Cuán importante es tener conciencia de la presencia de Dios en nuestra vida y de lo que él ha hecho por nosotros al decidir amarnos?

Escuché una vez, una historia de un pastor que fue a visitar a un hermano en la fe, que no estaba asistiendo a la iglesia. La explicación que le ofrece el hombre, quien trabajaba como granjero al pastor, era que no tenía a alguien que le cuidase su granja los domingos. El pastor le dijo que debía confiar en que Dios estaría en control, que él cuidaría de la misma. Así, quedó el granjero convencido de no ausentarse más y pudo asistir al próximo culto.

El domingo siguiente, el pastor comienza su mensaje creando conciencia de que la presencia de Dios en la vida es importante diciendo: "Hermanos, Dios está aquí". En segundos, el granjero se levanta de prisa, yéndose de la iglesia. El pastor creyendo que algo no estaba bien fue a visitarlo. El granjero estaba molesto, pues según pensó, el pastor le había engañado. "¿En qué lo engañé?"- preguntó el pastor. “Usted dijo que Dios estaría velando mi granja y no estaba allí, cuando dijo que Dios estaba en la iglesia”. – respondió el granjero.

Tristemente, así vivimos cuando nuestro conocimiento de Dios es limitado. Entendámoslo o no, terminamos viviendo como si tuviéramos un Dios pequeñito, uno de domingos. Pablo oraba por los efesios para que fueran conscientes del maravilloso plan de Dios para sus vidas. Uno, que había sido determinado antes de la fundación del mundo. El granjero no entendía que un Dios omnipresente simplemente está presente en todo, porque es parte de su naturaleza.


A Dios no se le escapa ningún detalle, ni le sorprende ningún evento. Cuando Dios determina algo, se cumple. Si Dios en su soberana gracia decidió amarnos, al punto de entregarse a sí mismo por nosotros, ¿cómo no proveerá y estará presente en las demás cosas? Aprendamos a confiar en Dios.

pastor Gilberto Rufat

jueves, 30 de julio de 2015

La enorme responsabilidad de la iglesia.

Pasaje a considerar:

"para que la multiforme sabiduría de Dios sea ahora dada a conocer por medio de la iglesia a los principados y potestades en los lugares celestiales." (Efesios 3:10)


No existe una mayor responsabilidad y a la vez, un mayor privilegio que ser portavoces del evangelio. Por consiguiente, la principal responsabilidad de la iglesia es enseñar y predicar el mensaje del evangelio para que la multiforme sabiduría de Dios sea dada a conocer a los principados y a las potestades superiores en los lugares celestiales.

¿Qué significa esto? 

Primero, que tenemos el privilegio de compartir y de dar a conocer el mensaje del evangelio, lo cual no le fue dado a los ángeles (1P. 1:12). 

Segundo, que los ángeles caídos, deben también conocer la victoria de la cruz y del plan o misterio de Cristo oculto desde los tiempos (Ef. 3:5). Ya que, la iglesia es llamada a ser baluarte y columna de la verdad (1Tm. 3:15).

Tercero, nada mas importante que predicar todo el consejo de Dios. Tristemente, no es el mensaje del misterio y la sabiduría de Dios lo que adorna nuestras iglesias. Nuestras iglesias y denominaciones se enfocan en actividades, música, compañerismo y todo tipo de estrategias para entretener, animar, motivar y retener a la gente hasta el próximo culto o evento.

Cuarto, necesitamos pastores que cumplan con las exigencias bíblicas. Como si esto no fuera suficiente, tenemos un liderato pastoral que desconoce sus raíces y doctrinas fundamentales. Por consiguiente, no tienen la más mínima idea de lo que es importante. Pastores sin credenciales, sin preparación teológica y en algunas organizaciones religiosas, sin ningún tipo de “accountability” no rinden cuenta a nadie.


El evangelio debe ser dado a conocer por medio de la iglesia, por cuanto únicamente en él está el poder de Dios para salvación (Ro. 1:16). Las estrategias no podrán sustituir jamás la obra del Espíritu Santo (Hch.1:8). La idea de la iglesia no es retener, sino congregar y preparar a los santos para la obra del ministerio (Ef. 4:11-12). No necesitamos el protagonismo, sino la cualidad de ser servidores, colaboradores y embajadores de Cristo. 


pastor Gilberto Rufat



“La teoría evolucionista todavía es, como en la época de Darwin, una hipótesis altamente especulativa sin alguna objetividad directa y muy lejos de ese obvio axioma que algunos de sus más enérgicos partidarios nos harían creer.” Michael Denton

Considero cinco puntos importantes en este capítulo sobre la teoría de la evolución: 

1- La teoría darwiniana no contesta causa de origen. 

2- La teoría de la evolución no explica los procesos altamente complejos a través de los cuales se pudo llevar a cabo la creación de nuevas especies. Tal vez, dicha teoría consiga mostrar la adaptabilidad que poseen las especies hasta cierto punto, ya que la adaptabilidad tiene y presenta límites. 

3- La evidencia arqueológica actual la ha destruido. Es interesante observar, la credibilidad que la ciencia presta a una argumentación empírica de menos de cinco años en unas islas, en donde Darwin, nunca tuvo la oportunidad de ver el más mínimo cambio en una especie. Además, el propio Darwin, en su libro expone en el capítulo seis, las dificultades y los retos de su teoría. Uno de ellos, radicaba en la esperanza de conseguir por medio de la arqueología, evidencia de los “missing links”. Los darwinistas apostaban a que los hallazgos arqueológicos que llevan aproximadamente 120 años, darían con las evidencias. Sin embargo, al día de hoy no existen evidencias sostenibles, ya que, muchas de las que fueron presentadas en el pasado, fueron fraudes, restos de animales extintos y restos de esqueletos de personas con malformaciones genéticas, entre otras.

4- Darwin aseguró que si existía al menos un ser vivo que pudiera demostrarse que jamás pudo haber evolucionado, toda su teoría quedaría completamente descartada. De hecho, aceptando ese reto, el premiado libro de Behe, “Darwin’s Black Box”, La caja negra de Darwin, demostró cómo los recientes descubrimientos bioquímicos han encontrado numerosos ejemplos de esta misma clase de complejidad irreducible.

5- En nuestros días, todas las teorías han sido descartadas o desacreditadas y más científicos se unen a la argumentación a favor de un diseño inteligente. Klaus Dose, el bioquímico considerado como uno de los más expertos en este campo, resumió la situación:

“Más de treinta años de experimentos, sobre el origen de la vida en el campo de la evolución química y molecular en la tierra, han llevado a una mejor percepción de la inmensidad del problema, en lugar de a la solución. En la actualidad todas las discusiones sobre las principales teorías y experimentos en dicho campo terminan en un punto muerto o en una confesión de ignorancia.” 


por: Gilberto Rufat

miércoles, 29 de julio de 2015



Pasaje a meditar:

“Es, pues, la fe la certeza de lo que se espera, la convicción de lo que no se ve.” (Hebreos 11:1)


Hebreos 11:1 forma parte del resumen de la amonestación final a los destinatarios de la epístola a los Hebreos sobre la necesidad de perseverar en la fe. La primera amonestación la vemos en Hebreos 2:1-4, siendo el énfasis en atender y a no deslizarse de la Palabra de Dios, mediante su Hijo. La segunda está en Hebreos 4:1-2, en donde la falta de fe en la Palabra de Dios es la causante de que los hebreos rumbo a la tierra prometida no pudieran entrar en el reposo de Dios, después de 400 años de esclavitud y 40 años de peregrinación en el desierto. En Hebreos 6:1-8, vemos la tercera amonestación, mostrando que la fe debe evidenciarse en frutos dignos de una experiencia de salvación. La comparación es presentada mediante la tierra que recibe la lluvia y sólo produce espinos y abrojos, la cual está próxima a ser reprobada, maldecida y quemada. La cuarta y última amonestación, la encontramos en Hebreos 10:26-31, en donde el autor advierte sobre el duro juicio que vendrá sobre aquellos que luego de haber recibido el conocimiento de la verdad, se apartan voluntariamente pisoteando al Hijo de Dios y teniendo por inmunda la sangre del pacto (He. 10:29).

De modo, que el autor expone que la salvación siempre ha sido por medio de la fe, como lo expresara Habacuc. Pero la fe a la que se refiere la Biblia, es un llamado a creer y a vivir por la fe, pues si retrocediere no agradaría a Dios.

Mas el justo vivirá por fe; Y si retrocediere, no agradará a mi alma.” (He. 10:38)

El autor presenta la realidad de que unos poseen fe para perseverancia; mientras otros retroceden para perdición.

Pero nosotros no somos de los que retroceden para perdición, sino de los que tienen fe para preservación del alma.” (He. 10:39)

Hebreos 10 finaliza con un llamado a perseverar en la fe.

No perdáis, pues, vuestra confianza, que tiene grande galardón; porque os es necesaria la paciencia, para que habiendo hecho la voluntad de Dios, obtengáis la promesa. Porque aún un poquito, Y el que ha de venir vendrá, y no tardará.” (He. 10:35-37)

Hebreos del 11 al 13 constituyen una exhortación a permanecer firmes y constantes en la salvación ofrecida por medio de la gracia en Cristo Jesús. El autor expone que vale la pena esperar y perseverar en la fe, presentado un sinnúmero de testigos o testimonios de hombres que agradaron a Dios, como ejemplo.

Pero sin fe es imposible agradar a Dios; porque es necesario que el que se acerca a Dios crea que le hay, y que es galardonador de los que le buscan.” (He. 11:6)

De manera, que enseñar que Hebreos 11 habla de cómo usar la fe o de cómo poner la fe a trabajar y todo tipo de palabrerías, es hacer del término fe una ley o un principio espiritual, cuando el mensaje es a perseverar en la fe, en términos de creer que lo que Jesús hizo y realizó en la cruz es eficaz y eterno para el creyente. Veamos las expresiones que respaldan dicha interpretación en la propia carta a los Hebreos:

y habiendo sido perfeccionado, vino a ser autor de eterna salvación para todos los que le obedecen” (He. 5:9)

y no por sangre de machos cabríos ni de becerros, sino por su propia sangre, entró una vez para siempre en el Lugar Santísimo, habiendo obtenido eterna redención.” (He. 9:12)

Así que, por eso es mediador de un nuevo pacto, para que interviniendo muerte para la remisión de las transgresiones que había bajo el primer pacto, los llamados reciban la promesa de la herencia eterna.” (He. 9:15)

Y el Dios de paz que resucitó de los muertos a nuestro Señor Jesucristo, el gran pastor de las ovejas, por la sangre del pacto eterno” (He. 13:20)

El autor de los Hebreos se refiere a Jesús como el autor de eterna salvación (He. 5:9), como uno que obtuvo eterna redención (He. 9:12) y una herencia eterna (He. 9:15) para todos los llamados, en un pacto eterno (He. 13:20).


Usar Hebreos 11:1 para enseñar la fe como un principio o ley espiritual, tal y como lo enseñan los movimientos de la fe y la prosperidad, es demostrar una ignorancia total sobre el propósito de la carta a los Hebreos. El concepto fe, según la carta y específicamente en Hebreos 11:1, es un llamado a tener completa confianza o certeza (ὑπόστασις) y convicción (ἔλεγχος) en lo que se espera, no sobre lo que nosotros deseamos, sino sobre lo que Dios nos concedió en Cristo. Hebreos 11:1 no es una enseñanza de cómo alcanzar lo que usted quiera o espera, sino un llamado a permanecer firmes en el nuevo pacto establecido sobre mejores promesas.


Pastor Gilberto Rufat

martes, 28 de julio de 2015

The Jewish Religion’s Position on the Slave Trade and Sexual Abuse

“If the White race is to be condemned in the liberal press for having had slaves, why are the Jewish people not condemned for their leading role in the slave trade over the last 2000 years?”
Another question for David Duke and his answer!
Mr. Duke, you mention the White role in slavery, but please bring up the historic role in this nefarious practice. You wrote about it so powerfully in Jewish Supremacism. Most scholars say that far more Blacks perished in the slave trade itself than from conditions in the Americas. “If the White race is to be condemned in the liberal press, why are not the Jewish people condemned for the world’s leading role in the slave trade over the last 2000 years?”
–Dr. E Brian
That’s such a good question Dr. Brian. It is one that has an interesting and obvious answer. One must look at the identity of the people doing the condemning. The historical Jewish domination of the slave trade is revealing about the entire structure of the Jewish-Gentile conflict and the propaganda to which we are subjected. I will never forget when, as a young boy, I watched the Ten Commandments with that great Gentile icon Charlton Heston playing Moses. In the audience of the Pharoah, Moses stands up and condemns him for slavery.
Only thing was, he didn’t mention the fact that the Hebrews had slaves too. In fact in the Old Testament, none other than God himself commands that no slaves will be made of your own people, but you can make slaves of other peoples as your inheritance forever! In Jewish Supremacism and My Awakening I give the entire verse word for word. I have got to be careful here, for simply by quoting the verse I can be condemned as condoning slavery — which I don’t. For simply quoting that verse, my friend Sam Francis lost his job as editorial editor for the Washington Times.
Jewish Supremacism also quotes major Jewish historians bragging about their domination of the slave trade since ancient times. And many more recent writers of Jewish history actually boast of their incredible domination of the triangular slave trade between Africa, the West Indies and the American colonies. When Nation of Islam researchers began quoting what the Jews had written for Jewish consumption, Minister Farakhan and others were condemned as “anti-semites” for falsely saying that Jews controlled the slave trade!
Of course, the closest thing that approximates the ancient slave trade to today is the White slave trade (prostitution) including the forced abasement and torture of hundreds of thousands of Eastern European women. As readers of the David Duke Report are aware, this nefarious activity is almost completely controlled by Jews and much of it is based in Israel. But somehow the Jews get no bad press from this. Again, it really not hard to understand when one understands who controls the press!
Here are some excerpts from Jewish Supremacism on the subject.
The Slave Trade
44 As for your male and female slaves whom you may have: you may buy male and female slaves from among the nations that are round about you…
46 You may bequeath them to your sons after you, to inherit as a possession forever; you may make slaves of them, but over your brethren the people of Israel you shall not rule, one over another, with harshness. (Leviticus 25:44)
Although the institution of slavery existed throughout most of human history, trade in human flesh has never been looked upon as a noble occupation. Compassionate men and women have long decried cruel mistreatment of slaves, especially of women and children, by slave traders and holders. Many agreed with Christ’s admonitions to slaveholders to treat their slaves kindly. In contrast to the benevolent image assigned to them by the media, Jews historically dominated an international institution that embodied the darkest evils of human exploitation: the slave trade.
My introduction to the important Jewish role in slave trading came from an article about Jews written by a leading Jewish historian and apologist, Jacob Marcus, in the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Marcus casually remarked about the Jewish control of commerce in the Middle Ages — particularly in the slave trade.
In the dark ages the commerce of western Europe was largely in his [the Jew’s] hand, in particular the slave trade. . . .
The Jewish mastery of the slave trade did not go unnoticed to Christian writers of the Middle Ages. I read poignant accounts of European children who suffered sexual and other abuses from Jewish slavetraders who acquired them. In Roman times they often followed the path of the conquering Roman army and enslaved enemy soldiers and civilians. Chroniclers of the ancient and medieval periods wrote of their preference for fair women and children, and of their frequent sale in the Levant. The Jewish slavers were more than happy to satisfy darker men’s taste for White flesh. Horrified by reports of abuse of Christian women and children by Jews, a number of Christian principalities issued edicts detailing these abuses and forbidding Jews to own or trade in Christian women and children. Jews, in writing their own histories, have matter-of-factly acknowledged the Jewish role in slave trading, looking at it as simply an extremely lucrative Jewish commercial venture. In A History of the Jew: From Babylonian Exile to the End of World War II, published by the Jewish Publications Society of America, the author writes very emphatically:
Jews were among the most important slave dealers [in European society].
It really surprised me when I found out that Jews played a prominent role in American slavery. In the early 1970s, I came across a book called Who Brought the Slaves to America by Walter White. I could understand the role of Jews in the slave trade of the Mediterranean region, but it seemed unlikely to me that the very small Jewish population in the early American Colonies could dominate such a large enterprise. I also retained, at that time, Hollywood’s image of White men, perhaps even Southerners, sailing to Africa and rounding up Black natives for the slave trade. In movies, articles and books, slavers were Anglo-Saxons with names like Smith or Jones. Usually, they were hard-drinking, uncouth, Southern types. Later I learned that slavery was ubiquitous in Africa among native Blacks themselves, and that they were seldom rounded up by Whites. Usually, Black African slaveholders were the ones who sold them to the slavetraders.
Who Brought the Slaves to America steered me to the library collections that housed the records of the slave ships, contemporary accounts, and a number of Jewish historians who documented the role Jews have played in slavery (also see the Barnes Review, Sept. 97). The Jewish writers I read were prideful in their accounts of the great Jewish slave traders. A good case in point is Marc Raphael’s Jews and Judaism in the United State: A Documentary History.
Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique), British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated.
This was no less true on the North American mainland, where during the eighteenth century Jews participated in the ‘triangular trade’ that brought slaves from Africa to the West Indies and there exchanged them for molasses, which in turn was taken to New England and converted into rum for sale in Africa. Isaac Da Costa of Charleston in the 1750s, David Franks of Philadelphia in the 1760s, and Aaron Lopez of Newport in the late 1760s and early 1770s dominated Jewish slave trading on the American continent.
In North America, the slave trade had its most powerful center in Newport, Rhode Island. Newport formed a pivotal part of the triangular slave trade of rum and molasses from New England to Africa for slaves and back to the West Indies and the Colonies with the human cargo. I discovered that it was no coincidence that Newport, center of the slave trade, had the oldest synagogue in America and the largest thriving Jewish community in the American colonies.
Aaron Lopez, a Portuguese Jew of Marrano descent and a resident of Newport, was one of the most powerful slave traders in the Americas. He owned dozens of ships and imported thousands of Blacks into the Western Hemisphere. In an account of just two voyages of one of Lopez’s ships, the Cleopatra, at least 250 Blacks perished. Such horrendous loss of life in such a dirty business did not prevent Jewish chronicler Jacob Marcus from praising Lopez: “What can be said about this most attractive figure.?” Although Lopez acquired riches in the Colonies, he violated the anti-British non-importation trade agreements during the revolutionary period, supporting Britain’s interests rather than the Colonies.’
Jews dominated the slave trade not only in the American Colonies but all over the New World. In a major Jewish history of the early Americas called, New World Jewry, 1492-1776, one can find the following passage:
They came with ships carrying African blacks to be sold as slaves. The traffic in slaves was a royal monopoly, and the Jews were often appointed as agents for the Crown in their sale….[They] were the largest ship chandlers in the entire Caribbean region, where the shipping business was mainly a Jewish enterprise….The ships were not only owned by Jews, but were manned by Jewish crews and sailed under the command of Jewish captains.
Many Jewish writers chronicled the Jewish role in slavery, often boasting of their shrewdness in the business.
The West India Company, which monopolized imports of slaves from Africa, sold slaves at public auctions against cash payment. It happened that cash was mostly in the hands of Jews. The buyers who appeared at the auctions were almost always Jews, and because of this lack of competitors they could buy slaves at low prices. On the other hand, there also was no competition in the selling of the slaves to the plantation owners and other buyers, and most of them purchased on credit payable at the next harvest in sugar. Profits up to 300 percent of the purchase value were often realized with high interest rates….If it happened that the date of such an auction fell on a Jewish holiday the auction had to be postponed. This occurred on Friday, October 21, 1644.
Although certainly indefensible by today’s moral standards, slavery in the United States was many times preferable to the incredibly cruel and murderous conditions of African slavery. The greatest inhumanity of Black slavery is associated with the passage to America. Some say that 10 to 15 percent of Black slaves died in the cramped and filthy conditions on the ships. Since the Jews have dominated the slave trade from ancient times, I realized that it is not only Blacks who have suffered from those inhuman conditions, but also untold numbers of White people of the Mediterranean region. It should also be pointed out that not only were Jews the principal slave traders, they had a markedly higher per capita holding of slaves than non-Jews.
All through the eighteenth century, into the early nineteenth, Jews in the North were to own black servants; in the South, the few plantations owned by Jews were tilled with slave labor. In 1820, over 75 percent of all Jewish families in Charleston, Richmond, and Savannah owned slaves, employed as domestic servants; almost 40 percent of all Jewish householders in the United States owned one slave or more. There were no protests against slavery as such by Jews in the South, where they were always outnumbered at least 100 to 1….Very few Jews anywhere in the United States protested against chattel slavery on moral grounds.
Considering that less than 2 percent of all colonists owned slaves, Marcus reveals that individual Jewish households (40 percent owned slaves) were far more likely to own slaves than were Gentiles. With their comparatively greater numbers in the Mediterranean world, Jews constituted disproportionate slaveholders in the ancient and medieval world just as they were in the Colonies. The importation of slaves to America is a relatively recent historical phenomenon that lasted about 200 years. From before the time of Christ to the African trade of the 1700s, most of the slaves owned and bartered by Jews were White.
When I learned of the Jewish role in the slave trade, it seemed to me that it could have certainly added to the resentment against the Jews felt by their host populations. Being known as the greatest perpetrators of the slave trade is not the best of public relations for Jews. It is no wonder that the Jewish-dominated media have avoided the issue. Only Jewish scholars, who faithfully record Jewish history, primarily for Jewish readers, are allowed to travel on to such forbidden historical ground.
After my first efforts on national television in the early 1970s to expose the Jewish role in slave trading (on PBS’s — Black Perspectives on the News), the Nation of Islam also did extensive research on the issue. Their historical research department came up with a tremendous amount of documented material on the subject that they published in the book called, The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews.
Today, simply by repeating the words of prominent Jewish historians on the Jewish role in slavery, one becomes guilty of anti-Semitism. It was only when the public began to learn some of the little-known facts previously reserved for Jewish scholars, that the ADL found it necessary to counter such “anti-Semitic” propaganda. The ADL and other Jewish organizations have responded by trotting out a number of prestigious Jewish scholars who have publicly announced that the Jewish role in the colonial slave trade was “minimal.”
In Spielberg’s blockbuster movie on the slave trade, Amistad, there was hardly a Jew to be found in the film. Although the Jews dominated the Newport, Rhode Island slave trade, all the slavers in the film seemed conspicuously Christian. A number of articles that discussed Amistad and the slave trade, including Time and Newsweek, went out of their way to deny a major Jewish role in slave trading. Unfortunately, most of their readers were not told what prominent Jewish historians themselves wrote about the matter before it became an embarrassing issue.
Few will read the words of the editor of the magazine of the American Jewish Historical Society; “Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique), British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated. This is no less true on the North American mainland…”
White Slavery
Prostitution, or White slavery as it is aptly called, is another institution as old as civilization. Even in ancient times, the fair-skinned beauty of European women and little boys and girls brought a premium from the purveyors of perhaps the most brutal kind of slavery of all: the sexual defilement of one’s body. The subjection of countless innocents to the filth and pain of sexual degradation is a crime of enormous magnitude.
Just as they dominated the organized slave trade, Jews dominated prostitution. It originally came about as a natural adjunct to slavery, as it took no special commercial acumen to realize that a female or young boy slave could be rented out for sexual abuse. And fair European maidens could fetch great prices from the sultans of the darker nations.
From the days of the concubines of King David to the modern “madams” Xaviera Hollander and Heidi Fleiss, Jews have dominated the sex business. The Talmud is obsessed with sexual “connections” of what it calls “natural and unnatural” kinds, of sexual relations of adults with little boys and girls, with bond maidens and with harlots. In the modern age, Freud and his colleagues in academia brought this perverted view of our natures into the classrooms and living rooms of America. Freud, with the help of the Jewish-influenced media, told Western society — with a straight face — that sexual and excretory organs are the most important factors in life and that every male secretly desires to have sexual relations with his mother.
In looking into the history of prostitution, I read about a maleficent deception Jews used in Central Europe during the last century. During times of famine or economic hardship, well-dressed, fast-talking Jews would go into peasant communities and tell the parents of attractive Christian teenagers that their children could have a better life in America, which had a shortage of household labor. The Jews told the parents that after a short time their children could pay off the cost of their passage and begin a new life in the land of freedom and plenty. In spite of the pain of being separated from their children, some of the parents would consent to such an arrangement, wanting the best for their daughters. Instead of finding a bright, new life, tens of thousands ended up suffering in the brothels of the New World.
In his book Prostitution and Prejudice, Jewish historian Edward Bristow writes about the world prostitution network and clearly shows the prominent Jewish role. It is not hard to conceive of the reaction of many Eastern Europeans to the Jewish enslavement and degradation of tens of thousands of Christian girls. Bristow reveals that the center of the Jewish trade in Gentile women from Poland and surrounding regions was a small town called Oswiecim, which the Germans called Auschwitz. That simple revelation can bring much understanding of the recurrent Jewish and Gentile conflict.
Jewish domination of White slavery continues. In fact, it is on a larger scale now than ever before in history. The New Orleans Times-Picayune on January 11, 1998, ran an article titled “Slave traders Lure Slavic Women.” It (written by Michael Specter and distributed by the Jewish-run New York Times News Service) documents a Jewish-run White slave operation of huge proportions. The piece begins with a poignant story about how a beautiful blonde Ukrainian girl hoping to escape the poverty and despair of her village life answered an ad in a small newspaper in her hometown promising work and opportunity abroad. She wound up a sex slave in Israel.
She was 21, self-assured and glad to be out of Ukraine. Israel offered a new world, and for a week or two everything seemed possible. Then, one morning, she was driven to a brothel, where her boss burned her passport before her eyes.
“I own you,” she recalled his saying. “You are my property, and you will work until you earn your way out. Don’t try to leave. You have no papers and you don’t speak Hebrew. You will be arrested and deported. Then we will get you and bring you back.”
In Israel the government does little to end the brutal slave system other than deport a small percentage of the girls they find with no immigration papers. Almost 1,500 Ukrainian women have been deported from Israel in the past three years. The deck is completely stacked against the Gentile woman and in favor of the slavemasters, for if they file a complaint against the slavemaster, they must remain in prison until a trial is held. Specter quotes the prison director at Neve Tirtsa as saying she did not know of a single girl who chose to testify against her Jewish slavemasters. The White slaver is thus protected by the Israeli system, while the victims are punished.
Specter identifies both the prostitutes and their masters. He quotes an Israeli White slave master, Jacob Golan:
The women who work there, like nearly all prostitutes in Israel, are Russian, their boss is not.
“Israelis love Russian girls,” said Jacob Golan. . . . “They are blonde and good looking and different from us,” he said, chuckling.
Of course, Israel is not the only destination of the Eastern European women. The Jewish gangs in Russia have strong connections with Jewish organized-crime syndicates all over the world. According to the Ukraine’s interior ministry, an estimated 400,000 women under the age of 30 were lured from the Ukraine in the past decade — and that is just one of the former Soviet states. Specter quotes the International Organization for Migration as estimating that 500,000 Eastern-Block women are trafficked into Western Europe and around the world annually. It is a tragedy of huge proportions that gets very little press.
Moment magazine, the “Magazine of Jewish Culture and Opinion,” had an article on page 44 of the April, 1998 edition, called “Hookers in the Holy Land.” In it they discuss the thriving prostitution of blonde Russian girls as a “national institution.” It goes on to talk about the customers who even include rabbis riding bicycles to the whore houses.
A good percentage of the customers — or Johns, in the lingo — are ultra-Orthodox Jews, pious men whose lives are guided by halachah (religious law), which tells them when they can or cannot have sex with their wives. So, on Thursday afternoons, (boys night out in Israel) busloads of Orthodox Jews travel from Jerusalem, Haifa, and points beyond to Tel Aviv for a few precious moments of passion in a massage parlor, behind a sand dune, or in an alleyway. Other customers are accountants, lawyers, policemen, and politicians. “The entire spectrum of Israeli society is keeping the hookers in business.” Claims Detective Shachar, a cynical veteran on the Tel Aviv vice detail…Tel Baruch is so very absurd and so very Israel.
It blatantly goes on to describe the girls, who are mostly East European Gentile women along with some Palestinians, as virtual slaves who are put on a slave auction block.
Once the girls arrive in Israel, the crime bosses take over. The girls are usually taken to an “auction house,” where the owners of the various massage parlors can bid on the talent — each one offers a price, and the highest bidder gets the girl.…The girls are virtual slaves.
The article goes on to note that many of the prostitutes in Israel, especially those of Arab descent, encounter physical abuse from Jews who abuse them as an expression of their “racial-nationalist fervor.”
…find that their Jewish customers only come to them after a Palestinian terrorist act to get their own brand of sexual revenge laced with racial-nationalistic fervor. “…and they do it with hate and anger.”
In discussing the forged documents used to smuggle the girls into Israel, Specter notes that they have often been obtained from “elderly Jewish women in the Ukraine.” Even so, Specter casually refers to the Jewish perpetrators of this international White slavery ring as “Russian crime gangs” or “Russian mafia.” It would be bad for Jewish public relations if the Times-Picayune had titled the article “Jewish Slave traders Lure Gentile Women.”
Jewish writers on anti-Semitism never mention the Jewish domination of the slave trade or of prostitution over the centuries. They never point out that such Jewish activities could understandably lead to unfavorable attitudes toward Jews.
Imagine the world-wide media reaction if Gentiles were enslaving hundreds of thousands of Jewish girls, putting them on auction blocks, and subjecting them to indescribable brutalities? Consider the outrage that would bellow from the Jewish media. Yet, with millions of Christian girls becoming the victims of Jewish criminals, there is no moral outcry — no international cause trumpeted by celebrities and politicians.
After my discussion of these issues on the national PBS program Black Perspectives on the News, attacks on me as an “anti-Semite” became even more shrill. As a young man, when I read about slavery in the South, my heart was touched by the tales of cruelty and suffering, so much so that I felt guilty. But as I learned the truth about the slave trade, I noticed that the same Jewish writers and producers and publishers who had instilled guilt in me never once suggested that Jews had any “collective guilt” for a 2,000-year record of plying their trade in human flesh.
Apparently, in the new morality of the Jewish press, learning about White exploitation of Blacks is “history,” and learning about Jewish exploitation of both Whites and Blacks is called “hate.”
Endnotes in order of quotes.
RSV. Lev. 25:44.
Marcus, J. (1952). Jews. Encyclopaedia Britannica. Vol. 13. p.57.
Grayzel, S. (1948). A History of the Jew: From Babylonian Exile to the End of World War II. Philadelphia Jewish Publication Society of America. p.312.
White, W. (1966). Who Brought the Slaves to America? White Publishing.
Barnes Review. (1997). Who Really Engaged in the African Slave Trade. Sept. 92.
Raphael, Marc. (1983). Jews and Judaism in the United States: A Documentary History. New York: Behrman House, Inc. Vol. 14. Raphael is the editor of American Jewish History, the journal of the American Jewish Historical Society at Brandeis University in Massachusetts.
Platt, Virginia B. (1975). And Don’t Forget the Guinea Voyage: The Slave Trade of Aaron Lopez of Newport. William and Mary Quarterly. Vol. 32,# 4.
Marcus, J. (1970). The Colonial American Jew: 1492-1776. Detroit, Michigan: Wayne State University Press.
Marcus, J. (1974). The Jew and the American Revolution. Cincinnati, American Jewish Archives. 3[3
Liebman S. B. (1982). New World Jewry 1493-1825: Requiem for the Forgotten. KTAV, New York, p.170, 183. [Liebman is an attorney; LL.B., St. Lawrence University, 1929; M.A. (Latin American history), Mexico City College, 1963; Florida chapter American Jewish Historical Society, 1956-58; Friends of Hebrew University, 1958-59; American Historical Society Contributor to scholarly journals on Jewish history.
Wiznitzer, A. (1960). Jews in Colonial Brazil .p. 72-3 [Note: Wiznitzer, Arnold Aharon, educator; Born in Austria, December 20, 1899; Ph.D., University of Vienna, 1920; Doctor of Hebrew Literature, Jewish Theological Seminary of America; Emeritus research professor, University of Judaism, Los Angeles; Contributor to historical journals in the United States and Brazil including the Journal of Jewish Social Studies and the Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society. Former president, Brazilian-Jewish Institute of Historical Research.]
Marcus, J. (1989 United States Jewry). 1776-1985. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, p.586.
The Secret Relationship between Blacks and Jews. (1991). Prepared by the Historical Research Department of the Nation of Islam. Chicago, Illinois: Latimer Associates.
Spielberg, S. (1997). Amistad. Los Angeles: Dreamworks.
Raphael, Marc. (1983). Jews and Judaism in the United States: A Documentary History. New York: Behrman House,
Bristow, E. J. (1983). Prostitution and Prejudice. New York: Shocken books.
Bristow, E. (1986). Studies in Contemporary Jewry, II. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press. p.310.
Specter, M (1998). Slave traders Lure Slavic Women. Times-Picayune. New York Times News Service. January 11.
Specter, M (1998).[or]Ibid
Specter, M (1998).[or]Ibid
Katz, Samuel M. (1998). Hookers in the Holy Land. Moment. April. p.45-78.
Katz, Samuel M. (1998). Hookers in the Holy Land. p.47.
Katz, Samuel M. (1998). Hookers in the Holy Land. p.48.
Katz, Samuel M. (1998). Hookers in the Holy Land. p.49.